5 ways to create content from one piece of Art

I'm sure you've heard the saying to get noticed on social media it's essential that you "post every day". Now that goes without saying and will actually yield great results, the fact is it's  stressful and completely exhausting!

How are ye' supposed to create a new piece of art every single day?! 

Take a chill pill, 'cause I have some whopper news for ye'!

You don't have to create new content with every single new post - it is totally okay (and actually encouraged) to reuse your existing content and paintings!

I'm going to explain how to create 5 quality posts from one single piece of artwork!

Or if you'd like to be serenaded with my voice ye' can watch the video and save yerself from having to read all of this!

1. The Scan

A high-quality, high-resolution photograph or scan of your artwork, with even lighting and accurate coloration. This post shows your art in its truest form, and is a great representation of the masterpiece that you have created.

2. Cropped Detail Shot

A close-cropped photo of your artwork, showing tight detail or showing off the individual texture of the paint or canvas. These can look great when taken from an angle or if yer feeling extra fancy ye' can take a picture with the edges blurred into the distance. If the work in question is larger detailed enough ye can easily get a few of these cropped detail shots from each painting, so go mad!

3.  Environmental

This is one of my favorite post types due to its effectiveness for boosting engagement and its flexibility! Its better if there are artistic or environmental elements around your piece, like paint tubes or brushes but various items comlimentary to the colours of your brand is good too.

The painting doesnt have to be finished either and can be beautifully complimented by a clear white space behind the painting to make it pop! An artist's space can be very fascinating and mysterious to non-artists, so play into this. Do it for the likes!

4. Video

Now is the time to let your process shine! Use a camera or your Smartphone to film yourself painting, either recording a time lapse of a painting coming together or a real-time video of your carefully placed brush strokes.

5. Staged in The Home

This style of photo is great to show off the scale and texture of the artwork. Staging it in a home also gives potential customers an idea of how amazing this piece will look in their home which can lead to a sale!

This style works best when photographed during daylight hours to give the scene a warm and inviting glow!

There you go! Gone are the days of frantically painting just so you have fresh content to post. 

Stay sexy!

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