What are you passionate about?
There are so many things that I find I'm passionate about! You see I have what is called an addictive personality and that causes me to have many passions and ideas. My biggest addiction? I would say that my biggest addiction has to be knowledge and learning. One of my biggest turns ons in a significant other is intelligence. Learning is also what runs humanity. We must learn to do everything in our entire lives. We learn to talk, walk, love, hate. We learn to do the things that change us, build us up, tear us down.
Most of our destructive behaviors are learned. The first one that we learn is how to hate ourselves. We learn to compare ourselves to everyone else instead of comparing ourselves to who we used to be, how far have we come in our own lives, how much have we grown, or how have we improved as people ect. Almost everything we do is based on what someone else thinks, does, or has instead of what we think, want, or do.
Most of the way we look at others is started in a hateful way as well. So many people spend so much time tearing each other down instead of building each other up. The first thing we do is find the flaws in everyone as soon as we meet them. It is not always intentional, but the comparison starts right away and finding the flaws in someone else is used to make us feel better about the things we think we do not excel at.
I often think about this fictional online platform that is accepting and welcoming in every imaginable way possible! The platform would be a place where members would go to learn about the things that other people have been through and the things they did to overcome those obstacles. The goal of this platform would be to lift up someon when they're feeling down and help them through their daily challenges with whatever similar experience we've been through in our own challenges. In this ideal world, membership connects you to everything you ever dreamed of, as long as it was uplifting and kind.
"Want a laugh? I've got jokes for days!
Need help losing weight? Nothing but positive encouragement and support from me!
Feeling Depressed? I spent my adolecent years under the impression that I was going to kill myself eventually.
Are your Kids driving you nuts? I don't really know much about that one..."
Basically the possibilities are endless and if there's one thing I've learned this week, it is the fact that you can market literally anything and there'll be an audience for it. Unfortunately, I am in need of this very site to help build up my confidence to create it. Every time I start something that I am passionate about it always falls to the back burner of my life because I never have enough self-confidence to keep it going. I have a project in Kickstarter that I am putting off releasing for fear of failure and that is all it is, a fear! But that fear can be taken care of with a little support.
It's kind of surreal to look back and see the progress I've made in just the last year in regards to progress on personal goals, formation of my creative business and the progress of my emotional maturity. "Prince of Cavan Creations" is probably the only thing I have done semi confidently in my life and that is something I never thought I would do. I never imagined that I would actually publish anything, especially not a written blog and let someone else view or purchase it, but I now do it on a semi-regular basis. I want this kind of power in everything else I try to do was and whatever you wish to go on to do!
If you ever find yourself displeased with someone else's success, ask yourself why you feel this way?
What are you passionate about?
Namaste. I'm passionate about the realization of unitary consciousness, to be in the world but not to get swept away by it's turbulence. To be present for all life forms and have love and compassion flow freely in all interactions. Loving what you're doing.